Project Kuppi

Project ‘Kuppi’ is a platform where senior students; that is the students of grade 11, conduct discussions and teaching sessions to other students of grades 10 & 11 based on subject matter. All students of grade 11 were given the opportunity to register and attempt teaching for these sessions under the guidance of the relevant subject teachers, depending on one’s ability. 

We have decided to do it in all 3 mediums (Tamil/Sinhala/Bilingual) for selected subjects. It is not compulsory for students to join, but any student who wishes to take part may join. The sessions are conducted with online presentations, quizzes and video explanations; Taking online education to the next level and filled with entertainment! The sessions are verified under the relevant subject teachers guidance and approval and gone through well before we conduct them on our own and therefore will be of minimal mistakes.

The History session for project ‘Kuppi’ will take place on Tuesday the 28th of September .
The session will take place from 3.00pm – 4.00/4.30pm.

The session is only for the students of grade 11

All participants are requested to be in the waiting room by 2.55pm.

Please rename yourself according to the following format before joining.

Grade_Firstname Lastname
(E.g. Gr.11_Raveen Dharmadasa)

Meeting link

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 945 8000 3319
Passcode: Kuppi21

Students from all three mediums are requested to join using the same link. We will instruct you from there.